2 Timothy 3:1-5
As the
Jewish polity was crumbling under the relentless pounding of Roman legions Paul
wrote his friend timothy the above. By
using the words “last days” Paul was referencing Jesus’ predictions recorded in
the 24th chapter of Matt. and elsewhere, thus pointing to a future
fulfillment of part of his great prophecy of the end. While we believe the biblical evidence points
towards us living in that very time, let’s look at this remarkable passage and
what it outlines to see whether we might well be in the time mentioned.
The first
thing of note is the total selfishness Paul portrays for us which is characteristic
of that time. Selfishness is found
throughout history, but in this time it would be on a scale seldom seem after
those words were written. Isn’t it true
that people are more self-involved than on a scale never seen before? Daily we read reports of children turning on
their parents and even killing them over seemingly little things.
More and
more we meet proud and boastful people, neighbors, family, politicians, media personalities
and on and on. Humble people are getting
harder to find as pride and arrogance seem the order of the day. It is an every man for himself world we live
in. And when was the last time you got a
sincere “thank you” for doing something for someone? People are very ungrateful these days.
Lack of love
for others is fast disappearing (vs. 3).
We really see this manifested in politics where people, not just
politicians, let all the stops out and don’t hesitate to maliciously malign
those who disagree with them. They often
spread gossip to neutralize such ones in brutal campaigns to impose their wills
on everybody. Nightly we see pundits and
presenters acting without restraint to the point that good people hardly ever
watch it anymore. We also see an open
hatred of good which is breathtaking. Those
who love God’s word and the commands within are called the most hateful words
imaginable and portrayed as mentally lacking and out of step with an
increasingly “enlightened” society which doesn’t see the inherent hypocrisy
between what they say and what they do.
We also see
such attitudes at all levels of society where those who love good are attacked
verbally, emotionally, legally and even physically at times. Children are suspended from school for expressing
opinions contrary to the prevailing acceptance of deviate behavior. Businesses and their owners are often sued
for their refusal to accommodate deviant behavior as human right violators and
put out of business in some cases.
Church services are broken up and churches desecrated. And those who stand up for biblical morality
personally attacked. And things are getting
Our time is
one characterized by love of pleasure on an unimaginable scale (vs. 4). There’ve been times in the past when
societies embraced the pursuit of pleasure.
But this is practically world-wide.
“Do your own thing” is the motto of the age. Starting with the sexual revolution in the
1960s things rapidly went downhill where doing whatever “thrills” one is the
chief pursuit of life. Schools teach
children that there is no god and this life is all there is. So they grow up with the aim of packing as
much enjoyment into life as possible before they die. No pleasure is too deviant to be
avoided. But even the plainer ones are
to be pursued vigorously. There is no
place for God in our day. Atheism is on
the rise in the headlong rush for pleasure, power or whatever “turns you on.” There seems to be this thought that denial of
God is a salve to the conscience. Yet
there is worse.
Many have a
form of piety which really has no power of restraint on them from sin (vs. 5). We all know about the child molestation among
the Catholics by supposedly godly men.
But the dirty secret is that the Catholics are by no means alone. Many other religions and sects, really all of
those which assert a high degree of control over their members, have the same
problem as the proliferation of lawsuits bear ample testimony to. And that’s only one way in which such people
show their faith has no really power in their lives for good. Many people doing the above things profess
faith. However, their behavior in
business, politics and their personal lives bear them witness to the lack of
power their faith has in their lives given what I’ve described is happening in
supposedly “Christian” nations as much if not more so than the rest of this
passage, in combination with others, is why I’ve believed for forty years that
we are in the last days. Over than time
things simply got worse and there seems to be no end. However, the thing to keep in mind is that
all of this is leading to something better however much time it takes to play
out or how much worse it gets. We are
promised a kingdom where sin will no longer dominate and eternal life will be
possible under the reign of Jesus Christ and the resurrected Church (Rev.
20). So if we are in the last days, then
it is a time to let go of fear for the future and rejoice in the midst of this
world’s suffering. Soon I will give
another key to the puzzle of whether we are in the last days or not.